Host a Potting Party

Enjoy time with family, friends, work colleagues or fellow club members and create fabulous container gardens at a venue of your choice. We bring all of the plants, pots, tools and supplies with us. Then your guests have fun arranging and planting their own container gardens. Included is an information and care plan booklet specific to your choice of plants. We can stay and run the party like a workshop, answer any questions you or your guests may have, and clean up any mess afterwards. Or if you and your guests are avid gardeners, we can deliver all the materials you need and leave you to it. The price per person varies depending on the type of container gardens that you'd like to create. We can also organise party invitations and catering if requested.
Some party suggestions:

Sucs and Sips

Gather some friends or family together for a relaxing Sunday afternoon at your house. Organise some drinks and nibbles, have a laugh and create some fabulous succulent arrangements together. Succulents are also a good choice for a kids party.

Cactus Madness

Have some adventurous friends or family? This one's not for the faint hearted. Good gloves are a must. But the payoff is spectacular. Catering suggestion - would pair well with a Mexican inspired feast or an American style barbecue with lashings of hot sauce!

Fern Favourites

Working with these ancient beautifully textured plants is definitely a calming experience. Research suggests that when stressed, gardening can lower your cortisol levels and restore your previous positive mood. Talk your yoga friends into an alternative activity and arrange for us to organise a mixed fern potting party.

Edible Offerings

You and your guests can create a yummy edible arrangement. Choices can include a variety of herbs, flowers and vegetables. Another great idea for a kids party or seniors downsizers who have left behind their labour intensive backyard vegetable gardens. Or perhaps where you live you have some balcony buddies or shared courtyard comrades, bring them together by hosting an edible potting party. Catering suggestion - serve up some dishes that use the herbs and/or vegetables that you've planted.

Seasonal potting parties

Host a bulb lasagne party in Autumn and your guests will leave with their own layered bulb pot which will produce and amazing spring display. Or create a winter, spring or summer flowering container plantings. Perfect for a backyard garden party.

Gender reveal - the long game

Why not have your guests pot up unlabeled seedlings that take a couple of months to flower revealing their colour - blue or pink petunias or pansies?

Have you own ideas?

Please contact us to discuss the perfect potting party for you.

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